Welcome to the St Mary's family!

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee is led by Mrs Joslin and Mrs Middleton and are split into two divisions. They are called ‘Eco Buds’ and 'Litter Buds'.
We were inundated with applications to join our Eco Committee this year. Not wanting to disappoint - we have divided the Eco Committee into two divisions. The EcoBuds and the Litter Buds. Congratulations team! Mrs Joslin and Mrs Middleton are looking forward to another fantastic year working with you!
Congratulations to our fantastic ECO BUD committee 2021/22. Thanks to all your hard work and enthusiasm we were delighted to achieve our Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction accreditation!  
We are super proud of you all!  

Congratulations On Passing Your Eco-Schools Green Flag!

Congratulations ECO BUDS!

We are very pleased to tell you that you have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

We reviewed your application and noted the following:

It was wonderful to see how completing your Environmental Review helped your Eco-Committee to spot gaps in your school's existing environmental activity, which you have then plugged in your Action Plan. We love your ambition in tackling the topics where you scored lowest in the Environmental Review. This shows you have a confident Eco-Committee dedicated to maximising their impacts. 

Your evidence is amazing. Everyone involved in Eco-Schools at your school should take immense pride from the parental quote provided. It's a great demonstration that you are going the extra mile to enable young people's passion for environmentalism and by doing so you are also enriching their school life! 

Your Eco-Board is fantastic, we love that you have a rota of Curly Turners! It’s great that you raised the money for the composter by recycling clothes, well done! 

Your Eco-Code is a work of art, stunning! We love how you have incorporated the world under a rainbow of eco messages! 

Thank you for uploading the evidence for your Bonus Question section. It has been wonderful taking the time to assess your fantastic application! 

We especially love how all actions are designed to involve and engage pupils and enrich their school life - proving that being 'eco' can also mean having a lot of fun! 

Congratulations on achieving your Eco-Schools Green Flag with distinction accreditation.