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Computer Science

Here at St Mary’s we follow the Teach Computing Curriculum. We have a range of resources such as laptops, tablets, BeeBots and remote controlled devices that support aspects of this curriculum. The curriculum is broken down into 6 small units for work, one per half term. 

Here are some useful links.

  • Barefoot (KS 1 and 2)
    Downloadable activities and games for children, links to live lessons and a guide for parents - includes cross-curricular lesson plans and resources that unpack computational thinking in a range of subjects.

  • Code Club (KS 2)
    Projects and activities for home learning and a parent guide.

  • STEM Learning e-Library (KS 1 and 2)
    An online resource bank, which links to resources on external websites. The site features a live chat function offering support from subject experts. New home learning resources are being developed.

  • Raspberry Pi Foundation – Digital Making at Home (KS 2)
    Join the weekly code-along using open projects based on a weekly theme, with different levels available for all abilities, allowing you to be open-ended with opportunities for making and creativity.

Computing at School - Home Learning  (KS 1 and 2)
Information and links to a range of at home computing activities